How Obsessed With Samwise Gamgee Are You? brought to you by Bit of Earth, the First and Best Fanclub of Samwise Gamgee
 You Are Innocent Mary Sue! Ever sweet and innocent, even in the face of darkest evil, your best asset is your girlish blush. He can't resist the charm that smacks of hearth and home--and don't you look cute wearing his cloak?
What Lord of the Rings Mary Sue are You?
I am...

Which Fellowship Actor are YOU?
You may not be the biggest person around but you have more courage than people twice your size. When the going gets tough, you're the one who leads the way!!!

I'm Elanor Gamgee!
Which of Sam Gamgee's kids are you?
^ It was a toss-up between the two... a tie, if you will. I'm a bit like both, although I'm not as pretty as Elanor! :) V

I'm Daisy Gamgee!
Which of Sam Gamgee's kids are you?
Hey! I am NOT that naiive! Or scared... but the other stuff is true.
(Yeah, I guess I am like a Hobbit, but more like the Tooks who like aventure and stuff... the less-scared more awesome Hobbits, like Sam, Frodo, Pippin, and Merry!

What race are you in Middle-Earth?

^Like usual it's a tossup LOL V

You speak like Orlando! I will now label you adventurous, open minded, and talented.
Which LotR male cast member do you sound like? brought to you by Quizilla 
Who is your Ideal Lord of the Rings (male) Mate? brought to you by Quizilla

You fancy the hobbits! Doesn't matter which, one, they're all cute. You pervy little hobbit fancier, you...;]
Which Lord of the Rings Character Do You Fancy? brought to you by Quizilla

Are you obsessed with Lord of the Rings? brought to you by Quizilla

Rosie Cotton
What Lord of the Rings Female are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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